person holding anthurium houseplants that bloom in winter

12 Indoor Plants That Bloom In Winter

As the world outside wraps itself in a frosty blanket, I often find myself with a cup of matcha tea, sipping and gazing at my indoor garden.

There’s something incredibly soothing about the lush, vibrant greenery contrasting with the serene white world outside.

But in a season of black-and-white tones, there’s something that can be even more heartwarming: a touch of color.

This is why houseplants that bloom in winter have always held a special place in my heart.


The Subtle Benefits Of Keeping Indoor Plants That Bloom In Winter


As soon as fall sets in, I like to review my plant collection and decide whether to add more plants to help me smile through the cold season.

Here’s why winter flowering houseplants are significant:

  1. They keep your home blooming. While most plants retreat and recharge, winter bloomers are just starting, offering a continuous show all winter.
  2. They are great mood lifters. The gloomy winter days can sometimes feel endless, but the sight of a delicate orchid or a Christmas cactus in full bloom? Instant mood boost!
  3. They are natural air purifiers. Many winter flowering houseplants, like peace lily, don’t just look pretty – they cleanse the indoor air, making dry winter air a bit easier on our noses.
  4. They are a reminder that spring will eventually come. Every unfurling blossom tells us that spring isn’t too far away.

If you also find solace among plants, here is a list of common, easy-to-find, and inexpensive indoor plants that bloom in winter.

Even one plant from this list can help your home radiate more life during the colder months.


12 Popular Indoor Plants That Bloom In Winter


1. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera)

Christmas cactus as one of the most popular indoor plants that bloom in winter.

Care difficulty: Easy

Ah, Christmas cactus. One of my favorite houseplants ever!

This retro member of the winter bloomers family has leafy, fern-like segments.

When winter approaches, Schlumbergera embellishes itself with delicate, tubular flowers in shades of pink, red, white, or muted purple.

What never ceases to amaze me is that Christmas cacti are essentially the keepers of family memories.

They can live up to 100 years (!), and in many homes, it’s a plant that has witnessed many family gatherings and holiday celebrations.

These plants are often inherited from parents or grandparents and go through generations.

  • When does the Christmas cactus bloom? Schlumbergera typically blooms from late November to late January.
  • How do you help Christmas cactus bloom in winter? Starting in early October, provide the plant with 12-14 hours of darkness every night for at least six weeks. Ensure no artificial light reaches the plant during its dark period. Reduce the frequency of watering, too. Once you notice buds forming, begin watering more frequently.
  • Is Christmas cactus toxic to pets? Thankfully, they’re non-toxic and safe for our furry friends.


2. African Violet (Saintpaulia)

African Violets - indoor plants that bloom in winter.

Care difficulty: Moderate

African violet was one of the first blooming plants I kept as a kid.

They’re relatively easy to care for (make sure not to get their leaves wet!) and can bloom repeatedly year-round.

This perennial plant is a popular favorite among winter-blooming indoor plants. Its delicate flowers can easily brighten any space!

Available in shades of violet, pink, blue, white, or mixed, they’re a beautiful choice for a touch of color in any room.

  • When do African violets bloom? African violets can bloom throughout the year, including winter.
  • How do you help African violets bloom in winter? They thrive in stable conditions. Keep them in indirect light and water when the top of the soil feels dry, maintain high humidity around them, and protect them from cold drafts.
  • Are African violets toxic to cats or dogs? No, they are non-toxic to pets.


3. Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe with leaves as an option of indoor plants that bloom in winter.

Care difficulty: Easy

Kalanchoe grows petite flower clusters in various colors between its thick succulent leaves.

These plants are really chill and easy-going, making them a favorite among many plant parents, including beginners.

Kalanchoe’s colorful flowers always act as a small, cheerful pick-me-up when I feel winter blues more intensely.

  • When does kalanchoe bloom? These beauties are most likely to bloom late winter to early spring but can also bloom all year long if happy.
  • How do you help kalanchoe bloom in winter? Starting in the fall, give it 14 hours of darkness and 10 hours of light each day for about six weeks to induce blooming. Water moderately since overwatering can prevent blooming. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month until buds appear, then stop feeding until after blooming.
  • Is kalanchoe toxic to pets? Kalanchoe plants are indeed toxic to pets, so keep them in a safe spot!


4. Orchid (Phalaenopsis)

Healthy and flowering Phalaenopsis Orchid houseplant in a clear pot.

Care difficulty: Easy to Challenging

Orchids, with their elegant and intricate flowers, stand as a prime example of indoor plants that bloom in winter.

They add an element of luxury to any space, and their diverse range of colors and patterns ensures there’s an orchid for every interior, taste, and aesthetic.

While their care can be more involved with Vandas or Cattleyas, Phalaenopsis is a great type of orchid for beginners.

  • When do Phalaenopsis orchids bloom? Phalaenopsis orchids mostly bloom in late winter to early spring but can also bloom all year round with proper care.
  • How do you help orchids bloom in winter? Orchids, particularly Phalaenopsis, require a temperature differential to initiate blooming. Aim for nighttime temperatures of 55-65°F (13-18°C) and daytime temperatures of 75-85°F (24-29°C). A drop of about 10°F (5-6°C) between day and night for several weeks can stimulate blooming. Learn more about how to make orchids bloom here.
  • Are orchids toxic to pets? Thankfully, orchids are not just gorgeous – they are also non-toxic and safe for pets.


5. Poinsettia

Poinsettia - winter flowering houseplant, especially popular in holiday season.

Care difficulty: Moderate

Poinsettias are like festive jingles of the plant world!

Their bright red, yellow, pink, or even mixed-color bracts (often mistaken for flowers) are synonymous with festive cheers and joyful holiday times.

I can’t imagine the holidays without a bright-red poinsettia somewhere around.

  • When do poinsettias flower? Mostly in December.
  • How do you help poinsettia bloom in winter? Starting around October, the plant needs 14 hours of uninterrupted darkness and around 10 hours of bright light daily for about 8-10 weeks. This encourages the plant to set buds. Thankfully, they are sold already “blooming” during holidays, so you likely won’t have to work on this yourself if it’s your first poinsettia.
  • Is poinsettia toxic to pets? Poinsettia can be mildly toxic to pets if ingested.


6. Cyclamen

Cyclamens - colorful, bright indoor plants that bloom in winter.

Care difficulty: Moderate

With their heart-shaped leaves and unique blossoms, cyclamens have a true fairytale charm.

A graceful presence in any indoor garden, this bold plant is admired for its inverted, butterfly-like blooms and heart-shaped leaves with a unique silver pattern.

Their flowers last eight weeks and are a perfect reminder of a happy, cheerful, sunny spring!

But here’s something even more magical – cyclamens can stay alive and bloom for many years, just like Christmas cacti!

If you like to grow and nurture the same plants to maturity, cyclamen might be worth trying.

  • When do cyclamen flower? Primarily from late fall to early spring.
  • How do you help cyclamens bloom in winter? Cyclamens prefer cooler temperatures. Avoid placing them near radiators, heaters, or drafts. Provide bright, indirect light.
  • Are cyclamens safe around pets? Cyclamens are toxic to pets, so keep them far away from their reach.


7. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Spathiphyllum, or Peace Lily, and its leaves as white indoor plants that bloom in winter.

Care difficulty: Moderate

Peace lily is like that quiet, graceful friend who’s always there for you.

It subtly complements any living space and occasionally surprises you with its elegant, sophisticated, white blooms.

A well-loved indoor plant, peace lily is also praised for its perfect air-purifying qualities.

Just keep her hydrated! If you notice her leaves start drooping, it’s almost always a sign that she needs a drink.

  • When do peace lilies flower? Peace lily can bloom several times a year, especially in spring, but can also flower in winter with proper care.
  • How do you help peace lily bloom in winter? Peace lilies need bright, indirect light to bloom. To encourage blooms in winter, you might consider a fertilizer with a higher middle number (phosphorus) which supports blooming. Cut off old flowers at the base of the stalk to encourage the plant to produce new ones.
  • Is peace lily toxic to pets? Yes, plant parents should note that it’s toxic when ingested, so it’s best kept away from curious pets.


8. Hoya (Hoya Carnosa)

Blooming Hoya Carnosa plant on a trellis - one of the houseplants that bloom in winter.

Care difficulty: Easy to Moderate

Often called the “wax plant,” hoya is one of the most cherished indoor plants that flower in winter, with clusters of star-shaped flowers.

Delicate, fragrant, and sometimes almost crystalline in appearance, hoyas are a treat for any indoor space.

  • When do hoyas flower? Hoyas flowers are mainly grown from October to April, sometimes in summer.
  • How do you help hoyas bloom in winter? Proper care can encourage hoyas to bloom. They need bright, indirect light. Mature plants are more likely to bloom, and it’s essential not to disturb their tendrils—long empty vines that eventually get filled with leaves and bloom peduncles (stalks that support the bloom). Hoyas also bloom in response to a drop in temperature during the nighttime.
  • Is the hoya plant safe around pets? Yes, hoya is also pet-friendly, yay!


9. Amaryllis

Blooming red Amaryllis as one of the most beautiful indoor plants that bloom in winter.

Care difficulty: Easy

Amaryllis stands tall and proud, bursting forth with stunning, oversized blooms that can brighten even the gloomiest day.

It’s almost like a nature’s fireworks display!

Amaryllis sprouts from a large bulb. If you want these beauties to bloom around the holidays, they should be planted in the pots in October, six to eight weeks before Christmas.

  • When does amaryllis flower? Mainly in winter, especially December and January, and their flowering lasts 7-10 weeks.
  • How do you help amaryllis bloom in winter? Place it near a sunny window. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Once the flower stalk is visible, feed your amaryllis with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 2-3 weeks.
  • Are amaryllis toxic to cats or dogs? As beautiful as they are, amaryllis is toxic to pets, so keep them where they can’t be reached or opt for a pet-friendly flowering plant.


10. Begonia

Healthy yellow Begonias as an indoor plant that blooms in winter.

Care difficulty: Moderate

Among the myriad species of indoor plants that bloom in winter, begonias are a great choice. Some varieties naturally bloom more readily in winter than others.

Their diverse forms and colors are like an ever-evolving art exhibit – maybe that’s why many plant people love to keep them as houseplants.

  • When do indoor begonias flower? Many begonia varieties can bloom year-round in the right conditions, but during autumn and winter, they are most common.
  • How do you help begonia bloom in winter? Begonias need bright, indirect light. If natural light is limited, consider using fluorescent or LED grow lights. You might also consider a fertilizer with a slightly higher middle number (phosphorus) to promote blooms.
  • Are begonias toxic to cats and dogs? Pet owners should be cautious as many begonias are toxic to pets.


11. Anthurium

Red blooming Anthuriums as indoor plants that bloom in winter.

Care difficulty: Moderate

Anthuriums have a modern, sleek look.

They’re like stylish decor pieces that effortlessly draw attention in any room.

Sometimes referred to as the “Flamingo flower,” anthurium always stands out with its glossy, heart-shaped spathes.

Its unique tropical appearance makes it a great choice for those seeking indoor plants that bloom in winter and create a tropical feel too.

  • When do anthuriums flower? Anthurium can bloom year-round, with peaks in winter.
  • How do you help anthurium bloom in winter? Anthuriums thrive with bright indirect light, regular watering, and high humidity. If your anthurium doesn’t bloom one winter, with continued proper care, it might reward you in a subsequent season.
  • Is anthurium safe around pets? While visually appealing, they are toxic when ingested, so it’s best to be cautious.


12. Bromeliad (Bromeliaceae family)

Winter-blooming Bromeliads as tropical indoor plants that bloom in winter.

Care difficulty: Moderate

Bromeliads are certainly one of the most interesting indoor plants that bloom in winter season and beyond.

They have always struck me as nature’s art with their bold, vibrant rosettes and exotic, brilliantly colored blooms.

Depending on the species, you might gaze at a fiery red center, a cascade of delicate petals, or something that reminds you of a modern… Vase.

The beauty of bromeliads also lies in their stunning foliage.

  • When do bromeliads bloom? It’s always a bromeliad season because they can bloom all year round! Depending on the variety, many bromeliads will bloom once during their life, with the flower lasting several weeks or even months. Once the mother plant completes its life cycle, it will give you offspring that can be grown as a new plant.
  • How do you help bromeliads bloom in winter? A well-lit room with filtered sunlight is ideal. If natural light is limited during winter, consider using artificial grow lights. Keep the central “tank” (the rosette of leaves) filled with water. Ensure the water is fresh by emptying and refilling it every few weeks.
  • Is bromeliad toxic to pets? Most bromeliads are considered non-toxic, but placing plants out of reach is always smart to prevent accidental nibbling.




As cold and darkness settle in, having a few indoor plants that bloom in winter genuinely adds a spark to day-to-day life.

They break the monotony of the cold days, proving that life can thrive even when the outdoors takes a break.

Winter blooming varieties are a smart choice for anyone considering adding new plant buddies to their indoor plant collection.

On top of it all, they can also serve as a great conversation starter over the holiday season!

People love to comment on their unexpected presence – just place an amaryllis where they can see it and wait.

To all the plant enthusiasts, I highly recommend giving these winter bloomers a spot in your home this year.

Hi! I am a plant lover and houseplant hobbyist. My favorite plants are hoyas, peperomias, pothos, philodendrons, cacti, succulents... Who am I kidding. I love them all! You can learn more about me here.

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